Independent Nikken Consultant

“A few years ago I tore the ligaments in my left knee while playing in a tennis match. My problem is that I love to play competitive 3rd-day-kenkotherm-wrapstennis and would play once a week. At the time my thoughts were, ‘How is my knee going to feel tomorrow morning and how will it feel after I play tennis next time?’ I immediately put on my KenkoTherm Knee Wrap and within a few days my knee felt much better. So much that in fact I’m not wearing the support wrap anymore, but I keep it on my bathroom counter just in case. Once again I thank Nikken for continuing to improve these amazing solutions.” – JC

“I couldn’t find my earmuffs one morning but had to go out and shovel 12 inches of snow. I placed the KenkoTherm Headband over my ears and was excited that I was able to work outside for hours and my ears NEVER got cold!” – KL

KenkoTherm® Wraps provide a contoured fit, ensuring you receive the gentle warmth and natural feeling of the incorporated technologies wherever you need them most. Designed for the back, joints, and limbs, the KenkoTherm® Wraps assist in balancing the body, especially in supporting sports and athletic applications. They also help to ease complaining joints from previous injuries and other such problems, or maturing years.

thermwrapThis is an actual thermographic imags of a KenkoTherm support wrap to show how Far-Infrared Technology works. Unique fibers absorb available energy (light, ambient heat) and reflect it in the far-infrared portion of the spectrum, to help ease tension and stiffness. Combined with our flexible, breathable KenkoTherm fabric, it’s the ultimate in comfort and support.


Here are 12 ways people have reported relief from a KenkoTherm Wraps:

  1. Wrist discomfort
  2. Ankle discomfort
  3. Knee discomfort
  4. Elbow discomfort
  5. Headache
  6. Backache
  7. Arthritis
  8. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  9. Sprain or bruise
  10. Shin splints
  11. Sore throat (worn around neck)
  12. Warm and toasty ears (worn around ears)

For information about purchasing Nikken products or earning additional income with Nikkencontact us here.