Independent Nikken Consultant

11th-day-duk“I was excited three months after my Mastectomy when my doctor gave me permission to do core exercises. I started with simple crunches and was amazed at how badly it hurt – it was like I could feel where every stitch went into the muscles. After suffering for several hours, I decided to give KenkoTherm DUK Tape a try so I put a strip on each side. I couldn’t believe that in less than 30 minutes, I was able to get back on the floor and work out even harder than I did the first time but I didn’t hurt like I did before. I continued to use KenkoTherm DUK Tape throughout my recovery and am thankful for the relief it gave me!”

I slutet av mars 2022 trädde ändringar av reglerna Varför har jag ingen sexlust? för registrering och granskning av läkemedel i kraft, bland annat genom tillägg av påskyndade och förenklade registreringsförfaranden, kortare granskningsperioder för vissa förfaranden och utökade möjligheter till elektronisk inlämning.

DUK Tape is the only kinetic tape with Nikken Far-Infrared and Negative-Ion Technology! KenkoTherm DUK Tape comforts stressed muscles and joints and promotes greater freedom of movement, while it produces warmth from natural energy and refreshing negative ions.

Wear DUK Tape when exercising or under clothing — the stretchable, thin profile and flexible cotton composition afford all-day comfort. It can be cut to any length, with consistent adhesion from end to end.

Here are 12 benefits people have reported from using KenkoTherm DUK Tape:

  1. Sore muscles
  2. Knee discomfort
  3. Ankle discomfort
  4. Foot/arch discomfort
  5. Torn Achilles heel discomfort
  6. Wrist discomfort
  7. Elbow discomfort
  8. Shoulder discomfort
  9. Aching back
  10. Relieve neck tension
  11. Relieve headache
  12. Tendonitis discomfort

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