Independent Nikken Consultant

Realistically, no matter how careful we are, we ingest some toxins every day through the food we eat, the water we drink or bathe in, the air we breathe and the personal care products we use. These toxins end up in our liver, kidneys, fatty tissue and lymphatic system. When too many toxins stay in the body and are not flushed out, we become incapable of absorbing and using the nutrients we need for Active Wellness.

Disorders from a sluggish liver are so common that the market is flooded with liver cleanses—some are natural, some are medicinal, some take a couple of days, some are long-term. What they have in common is that they’ll make you uncomfortable in various ways and involve complicated steps to take. You may need to drink gallons of multiple concoctions and stay close to a bathroom.

Whether you go to a health food store, drug store, supermarket or specialty juice shop, commercially sold liver cleanses are time consuming and expensive. You may need to purchase 20 or more herbal ingredients to mix and brew. Or chop, peel, grind and juice a dozen fruit and vegetables. You could choose the “grab and drink” cleanses but that’ll cost you even more. And once you’re done with those cleanse and detox routines, your body reverts back to whatever dysfunction it had: abdominal bloat, digestion problems, heartburn, itchy skin and unexplained weight gain.

Kenzen® Cleanse & Detox has bragging rights because it’s so easy to incorporate into a healthy regimen. It’s a gluten-free, organic nutritional supplement that lives up to its name by promoting a healthy way to help cleanse and detox the liver while assisting metabolism and supporting weight management.* Made with our Proprietary Synergistic Cleanse & Detox Complex, the NikkenWellness™ dietary supplement is 100 percent organic. It is naturally high in compounds that aid liver function* such as organic Roasted Chicory Root, Milk Thistle extract, Turmeric extract, Bupleurum extract, Shisandra and Ashwaghanda. Each of these organic ingredients serves multiple purposes on its own, but together, work synergistically to produce optimal results. Simply take three capsules every day 20 minutes before a meal. No fuss, no muss.

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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